Thursday, 19 September 2013

NIPCC - who are they?

The fossil fuel and anti-science interests behind the NIPCC want to confuse the public about climate change with noise and stunts so they can continue their destructive practices.

According to leaked internal documents from the Heartland Institute the NIPCC includes content published exclusively by climate contrarians who are paid to contribute their findings to NIPCC reports - completely the opposite of the policies of the IPCC.  The 2011 Interim NIPCC report had three lead authors, Fred Singer, Craig Idso, and Robert Carter, and only eight contributors. In comparison, the IPCC has 831 scientists, from across 85 countries, directly involved in the writing of the Fifth Assessment Report. Hundreds have worked on specific areas of the report as contributing authors and thousands of experts contributed to the report as Expert Reviewers. All authors and reviewers working for the IPCC are unpaid volunteers. 

Saturday, 31 August 2013

CO2 reaches 400ppm

CO2 reached 400ppm on the 75th anniversary of the publication of a paper by Guy Callendar - a superb scientist and an expert on the physics of steam. He wrote his seminal article in 1938 on the potential for increasing levels of CO2 to warm the atmosphere.

Global warming and education